Vanessa Diehl

owner of 

Vanessa Diehl Coaching and Azure Music Ensmebles & Drumming

Productivity Coach, Entrepreneur Enthusiast and Wellness Advocate


I'm Vanessa Diehl aka Wellness Van 

It was not too long ago that I was completely run down and out of battery power. Feeling lost in my new role as a mom, I found myself unsure of who I was and what my needs were. I had not been fueling the van. Each day felt like I was pushing a stalled vehicle up a mountain!

Today things are much different for me. After getting to know myself again I discovered what fuels me, what my road map looks like and I now I have my GPS set! Of course the road is sometimes bumpy but I know that I am on the road to wellness. 

Are you ready to drive down the road to wellness? Let's go! Rev up your engine by joining a workshop, subscribe to the Reclaim Your Wellness Members Area or start feeling better today with my favourite wellness products

Looking forward to working with you!                                               ---   Vanessa



Would you like to connect with me? 

Do you have questions about a course or coaching? Interested in booking me as for a speaking event or a drumming session? Curious about an upcoming event? Click Contact Vanessa 

Contact Vanessa

"A diamond is a lump of coal that did well under pressure"
